Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Hello Again

It's funny I created "Nakid Cristal" years ago without proper thoughts, proper inspiration, Do I invite complete strangers? Invite you to my thoughts? Why not, let us grow and learn from one another.
Rather than inviting you to my FB and IG, I'll invite you to my brain. My thoughts on life how I believe it should be. how I was molded to become who I am.
I'm not perfect and I've made mistakes.
 Years after creating this blog where am I now? I'm at a happier place in my life...
I'd like to say i'm in a happier place, but am I?
I'm a thirty year old Mother and Wife that currently is in the industrial/oil and gas industry.
My hobbies include;
-Fitness enthusiast
-Money saving
-Career Change?
-Becoming who I'm supposed to be
This is who I am, join me.